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Latest News

20 Apr 2024

Art Nova 100

The project 'Weightlessness' will be included in the annual exhibition of 'Art Nova 100' 2023, which will be held in April 2024 at the Guardian Art Centre in Beijing.

Art Nova 100

14 Feb 2024

LA Art Show

The project 'The Sims' will exhibit at LA Art Show from 14 to 18 February 2024.

LA Art Show

2 Dec 2023

MOUart Gallery

The project ' The Sims' and 'Reality and Dreamspace' will exhibit in Group Exhibition 'New Stars II' in MOUArt Gallery. Exhibition Period from 2rd December 2023 to 19th February 2024.

MOUart Gallery

5 Aug 2023

None Project Gallery

The new solo exhibition 'Eternal Horizon' in None Art Project Gallery, from 6th August to 1st September.

None Project Gallery

5 Feb 2023

Mint Chinese Film Festival

Guest Speaker in Talented Filmmaker's Forum in Keswick Alhambra Cinema. Time: 17:15 - 18:15, 5th February 2023.

Mint Chinese Film Festival
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